Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Wong Kai Yu 黃啟裕
Name in pinyin: Huang Qiyu
Also known as:
Place of birth:
Dates: 1966-
Art Medium: photography
Wong Kai Yu, Blues is a committee for the NuNaHeDuo Organization of Contemporary Photography since 1995. He studied Photography and Film Appreciation in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Stormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with framesStormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with framesStormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with framesStormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with frames
Stormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with framesStormhorse: Hong Kong New Generation (I) (1990) b/w photos 30” x 40” (x 6 pcs.) with framesCountdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)Countdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)
Countdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)Countdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)Countdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)Countdown (1996-7) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (x 6 pcs.)
Flowers Fall (1996-8) b/w photos 10 x 16 inches (1 of 6.) photo diptychesDrowned Dream (1996-7) b/w photos 10” x 16” (1 of 5) photo diptychesHuman Mould Injection (1996) syringe, SX-70 Polaroid Free sizeChinese Phantom (1990-95) digital manipulated SX-70 Polaroid 6 x 15 cm
Redemption (1996 - 2004) SX-70 Polaroid 30 x 42 cm (with cross shaped frame)Tiger Balm Garden, Hong Kong (2003) b/w photos 8’ x 10’ (a series of 8 photos)Farewell to the Victorian Ark (2004) Color Print 20’x 24’ (a series of 20 photos)Farewell to the Victorian Ark (2004) Color Print 20’x 24’ (a series of 20 photos)
Gemini (2004) digital photography size varies.Mongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknown
Mongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknown
Mongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknown
Mongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknownMongkok, Yaumatei (2005) b/w photos size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Wong Kai Yu, Blues 黃啟裕 2004 Artist's Statement [in English]
Contact the artist: kywong@ied.edu.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.