Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Yip Pak Ho, Henry 葉柏河
Name in pinyin: Ye Bohe
Also known as:
Place of birth: Guangdong, China
Dates: 1960-
Art Medium: painting
In 1988, Yip started to learn Chinese ink painting under the famous Hong Kong artist Yang Shanshen. Later he joined local art groups such as Chung Fung Painting Society and Hong Kong Sketching Society, and took part in their joint exhibitions. Besides ink painting, Yip also does oil painting and watercolours. He published his painting album in 1991. Yip's works frequently depict the landscape of Hong Kong and Jiangnan. However, he has recently executed more works featuring the historical changes happened in Hong Kong. In 1998, he held his painting exhibition Memories of Hong Kong at the Foyer of Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
[A History of Hong Kong] 香港歷史風雲錄 (Not dated) Oil on canvas [Leaving] 臨別秋波 (Not dated) Oil on canvas [Chinese Landscape Painting] 步出夏門 (Not dated) Ink & colour on paper [Echo of the Valley] 山峪迴響 (Not dated) Ink on paper
[Rhythm of Autumn] 秋韻 (Not dated) Oil on canvas [Tai O] 大澳水鄉 (Not dated) Watercolour on paper [River Running to the East] 大江東去 (Not dated) Ink & colour on paper [Still Life Painting] 靜物 (Not dated) Watercolour on paper
[Rescuing from a Desperate Situation] 絕處縫生 (Not dated) Watercolour on paper
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Yip Pak Ho, Henry 葉柏河 2004 Artist's Statement [in Chinese]
Contact the artist: henry8@hknet.com
Official artist website: http://yippakhospaceslivecom.blogspot.com/

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.