Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lam Yuk Lin, Pauline 林玉蓮
Name in pinyin: Lin Yulian
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: unknown-
Art Medium: installation,mixed media work,painting,performance,sculpture
Lam graduated from the Department of Fine Art, The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a B.A. degree in 1993. She received a Certificate in Computer Arts and Design from S.P.A.C.E. (University of Hong Kong) in 1995 and a Diploma in Art Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001. She obtained her MFA from RMIT University in 2004. Lam held four solo exhibitions in Hong Kong between 1995 and 2001, and since 1990, she has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea and China. She received several art awards: The Most Promising Artist, PCF Modern Art Competition (1995); First Prize, Painting Category, PCF Modern Art Competition (1996); First runner-up, Hong Kong Paper Sculpture Competition (1997); First Prize (Graphic Design category), Computer Art Competition (1998); First runner-up (Fine Art Category), Computer Art Competition (1998); Winning entry in Installation Art and winning entry in Two-Dimensional Art of “Gallery Ferry” Competition” (2003). Since 1998 Lam has been Instructor of the School of Continuing Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 2000 she has also written on art for the Hong Kong Economic Times, and was curator of the “Hong Kong Art Teacher Festival 2001: Teacher-Student Interactive Arts Exhibitions”. Her works have been collected by the Arts Faculty, CUHK, PCF, various overseas cultural institutions, and private collectors.
Test of Rebirth 再生試驗 (1993) Chinese herb & others 198x71x30c (3pcs)Test of Rebirth II 再生試驗II (1994) Chinese herb & others 198x71x30cmTest of Rebirth III 再生試驗III (1995) Chinese herb & others 31x20x44cmCopper Boat 同舟 (1997) Bronze 183x61x17cm
Copper Wing 翼翼 (1997) Bronze 95x17x90cmCopper Bowl 盤古 (1997) Bronze 98x98x76cmCopper Heart 同心 (1997) Bronze 170x72x186cmWindow Dressing 設定的櫥窗佈置是真相的牆壁 (1998) Mixed media 270x180x90cm
Release 紅流夢 (1999) Synthetic fiber 310x146x90cmLight Capturer 光線捕捉器 (1999) Thread, soil, cast bronze, iron net Free dimensionArtificial Nature - Conservatory 人工自然培植場 (2000) Stainless steel, brick, sand 143x226x20cmArtificial Landscape 人工山景 (2000) Iron, rock Iron, rock
Artificial Nature – Conservatory II 人工山景II (2001) Stainless steel, brick, sand 270x270x13cmCultivating Civilization 種植文明 (2001) Stainless steel, cement, sand A cottage houseCultivating Civilization II 種植文明II (2001) Stainless steel, cement, sand Free dimensionCultivating Civilization III 種植文明III (2001) Stainless steel, cement, sand Free dimension
Cultivating Civilization – Performance Chaiyi 種植文明行為演出-嘉義 (2001) Performance Size unknownCultivating Civilization – Performance Beijing 種植文明行為演出-北京 (2001) Performance Size unknownColumns of Civilization 文明柱 (2002) Cement 273x49x38cmResurgent Civilization 文明再現 (2002) Stainless steel 43.2x86.5cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Lam Yuk Lin, Pauline 林玉蓮 2004 Artist's Statement (2004) [in English & Chinese]
Contact the artist: artpauline@yahoo.com
Official artist website: http://lamyuklin.webs.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.