Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Liang Yee Woo, Evelyna 梁以瑚
Name in pinyin: Liang Yihu
Also known as:
Place of birth: unknown
Dates: unknown-
Art Medium: mixed media work,painting
Liang graduated from the University of British Columbia in the early 1970s. She is one of the pioneers of community art in Hong Kong, and is founder of the Art Function Group and the "Garden Streams – Hong Kong Fellowship of Christian Artists" in the 1980s. In response to the needs of Vietnamese boat people residing in detention camps, she organized the "Art in the Camp", supported by the UNHCR and also the International Rescue Funds from New York . Liang was involved in the formation of "Art in Hospital" in 1994. She had also conducted youth art classes in Cambodia and Tsinghai, China. More recently, she founded "Art for All" to advocate art on the grassroots level. She has exhibited extensively in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia, often addressing women's issues in her own personal work.
My Home 我的家 (1983) Colour & ink on pape size unknownI love “Living” with my brush I paint 我快樂地享受生命, 筆墨為我心聲 (1980s) Colour & ink on paper size unknown“When I lift up my eyes to the mountain, where do my help come from...19931993” “我向山舉目, 我的幫助從何而來...” (1993) Mixed medial with ink on paper 153x549cm“He dances in fire and in cloud - From Exodus” (1996-97) Mixed-media on paper 183x366cm
“Am I that far away?” (1998) Mixed-media, plastic sheet, photo-film, hand painted silk size unknownComfort Women’s Comfort (1998) Mixed-media on paper 75x60cmMa’am’s Box – A Metaphor of the Feeling of Love (2000) Mixed-media installation size unknownCommunity Art (2001) Mixed-media size unknown
Christ the Young Man/ Its Broken (2001) Installation: Acrylic on Canvas, writings on wall, casted acrylic cross with wood, dirt and dig up ground size unknownCommunity Art (2002) Mixed-media size unknownThe Rose Book, Red 玫瑰書簡 (2002 ) Silk, pressed rose petal, scent, news clipping photo size unknownBandages for You 給您一小片紗布 (2002) Art Action/ performance size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Liang Yee Woo Evelyna 梁以瑚 2004 Artist's Statement [in English]
Contact the artist: yiwoo@netvigator.com
Official artist website: http://www.2-woo.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.