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Bandages for You 給您一小片紗布 ( 2002 ) Art Action/ performance size unknown
105w012 Bandages for You 2002 Art Action/ performance size unknown 105w012d1-d4Art in process, started March 2002. This was an Art action/ performance happening in four different cities: Guangju, Beijing, Hong Kong and Melbourne. Passing out bandages to people on the streets, in the markets, Universities and hospitals and using I-zone Polaroid camera to record the response and collect the messages back.

Bandages for You 給您一小片紗布 ( 2002 ) Art Action/ performance size unknown

Bandages for You 給您一小片紗布 ( 2002 ) Art Action/ performance size unknown

Bandages for You 給您一小片紗布 ( 2002 ) Art Action/ performance size unknown

Bandages for You 給您一小片紗布 ( 2002 ) Art Action/ performance size unknown

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.