Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lui Fung Ngar, Eddie 呂豐雅
Name in pinyin: Lu Fengya
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1947-
Art Medium: ceramics,painting
Lui has been practicing art for three decades and contributing to the promotion of visual art in Hong Kong and Asia. He served as the Secretary General of the Asian Watercolour Confederation during 1997-2002. In 1997 he assumed directorship of the Hong Kong Committee of the Federation of Asian Artists, and took part in the organization of the annual Asian International Art Exhibitions. In the same year, he initiated the establishment of the Confederation of Hong Kong Visual Artists (CHVA). He has participated in various cultural exchange programmes and conferences, such as “Volume & Form” (Singapore 1999 International Sculpture Symposium), “Foshan International Wood-firing Invitational Conference” (China) and the “Langkawi International Festival of Arts” (Malaysia, 2000). In 2002, he set up a ceramics studio at the Nanfeng Dragon Kiln in Foshan, China. His works are in the permanent collections of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Ibrahim Hussein Museum & Cultural Foundation, Guangdong Museum of Art, and other cultural institutions and corporations.
Germination 孕育 (1973) Ink on handmade paper 89cm(H) x 64cm(W)Silhouette 疊影 (1973) Gouache and ink on handmade paper 178cm(H) x 126cm(W)In 小小的世界 (1975) Gouache and collage on linen 88cm(H) x 63cm(W)Three Graces 三艷圖 (1990) Ink and mixed media on paper 76cm(H) x 109cm(W)
Close Encounter 喜相逢 (1992) Ink and mixed media on paper 61cm(H) x 85cm(W)When Red Meets Green 紅花會之萬花筒 (1995) Acrylic on linen 122cm(H) x 122cm(W)Rising from the Ashes: The Constellation II 火凰凰天象二篇 (1997) Acrylic on rock forms installation 122cm(H) x 122cm(W)Vegetable Garden 蔬果二十品 (1997) Mixed media and paper on linen 102cm(H) x 132cm(W)
Flying High 展翅高飛 (1998) Acrylic on linen 122cm(H) x 122cm(W)The Star and the Space 星際空間 (1998) Stone and cages installation Occupying a space of about 2M x 10MThe Fire-bird Has Landed 火鳥南來 (1999) Sculpture Painted rocks of 300cm(H)Beautiful Red Flower 紅花艷 (2000) Wood-firing ceramic sculpture 18cm(H) x 17cm(W) x 15cm(D)
Happy Together (1 of 2) 雙對歡(二之一) (2000) Biscuit-firing ceramic sculpture 22cm(H) x 16cm(W) x 20cm(D)Red Leaves And Autumn Mountain 秋山紅葉 (2001) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)Blue Pond And Winter Days 冬日藍湖 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)Full Moon In The River 月滿河西 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)
Deep Root 落地生根 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)Twilight Zone 滔滔紅霞 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)Milky-way Spring 銀河之泉 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 143cm(H) x 75cm(W)Ocean Rhythm 深海韻律 (2002) Ink, mixed media and paper on linen 75cm(H) x 143cm(W)
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Lui Fung Ngar, Eddie 呂豐雅 2003 Artist's Statement: On Collage Work [in English]
Contact the artist: artrend@netvigator.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.