Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Tang Ying Chi, Stella 鄧凝姿
Name in pinyin: Deng Ningzi
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: unknown-
Art Medium: mixed media work,painting
Tang received her formal education in Hong Kong and entered the teaching profession after advanced teacher training. She later went overseas in search of a formal art training. She received her B. A. in Fine Art from Goldsmith’s College (University of London). Tang has worked at the Hong Kong Arts Centre's Exhibitions Department as exhibition coordinator (helping in many community and exhibition projects), and since 1999 has been a full-time lecturer at The Art School of the Hong Kong Arts Centre. In 1996 she received the “Visual Art Award” in the Hong Kong Art Biennial. Tang has curated numerous group and solo exhibitions in Hong Kong and overseas.
A Salute to They and We 向他們及我們致敬 (1990) Mixed media on photograph size unknownWe’re nice people 我們都是善良的 (1991) Mixed media on canvas 74.8x84.7cmLand, Power & Love (III) 土地、權力及愛 (三) (1992) Laser print on paper 60x42cmIn the Name of Power Series: Map 15 因權力之名系列 (Date unknown) Photo lithograph on Japanese paper 18.5x25in
On Hong Kong Story (III) – Hongkongnese & English 香港系列: 故事三 “香港人及英語” (1994) Photo, computer letters & colour print on paper Size variableBeauty 美麗 (1995) Photo emulsion & mixed media on canvas 152.5x195.7cmBeauty, Happiness & Intelligence (VI) 美麗、快樂及慧(六) (1995) Photo emulsion & mixed media on canvas 158x175cmDress 裙子 (1997) Photo emulsion & mixed media on canvas 97x252cm
They’re growing up 他們長大了 (1996) Photo emulsion & mixed media on canvas 158x207cmRed News II 紅色新聞(二) (1998) Screen print, sewing & mixed media on canvas 152x62.5cmRed News III 紅色新聞(三) (1998) Screen print, sewing & mixed media on canvas 152x62.5cmRed City V 紅色城市(五) (1998) Photo image, laser print, mixed media on paper 57.5x38cm
Hong Kong Map Series 香港地圖系列 (1999) Photography Size variableHong Kong Map Series 香港地圖系列 (1999) Photography Size variableDefiled Dress I 沾污的裙子(一) (1999) Laser print, transfer (heat & opaque ,media), sewing and mixed media on canvas 121x86cmDefiled Dress III 沾污的裙子(三) (1999) Laser print, transfer (heat & opaque ,media), sewing, screen print and mixed media on canvas 125x86cm
3388 三三八八 (2001) Mixed media on canvas 122x207cmAuspicious Man/ Plum Flower 吉祥人/梅花 (2002) Yarn sew & mixed media on canvas 198x90cmAuspicious Man/ Pattern 吉祥人/回紋 (2003) Yarn sew & mixed media on canvas 201x90cmAuspicious Man/ Tortoise and Crane 吉祥人/龜與鶴 (2003) Yarn sew & mixed media on canvas 201x90cm
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Tang Ying Chi, Stella 鄧凝姿 2004 Artist's Statement [in English & Chinese]
Tang Ying Chi, Stella 鄧凝姿 2002 Work of Lam Wai Kit [About Lam Wai Kit's works, in Chinese]
Contact the artist: yingchitang@yahoo.com.hk
Official artist website: http://www.tangyingchi.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.