Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Leong Ka Tai 梁家泰
Name in pinyin: Liang Jiatai
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1946-
Art Medium: photography
Leong graduated from Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA in 1965 and obtained his Master of Engineering from Rice University in 1970. In 1976 Leung returned to Hong Kong and set up studio Camera22. He stopped studio work in 1982, and has worked mainly on editorial and corporate projects since 1984. Over the last 20 years, Leong has published eleven books on personal projects and eleven books on collaborative projects. From 1976 to 2003, he has held nine One-man shows in Hong Kong, Taipei, Macau and Singapore. He has also participated in numerous group shows in Hong Kong, New York, Perpignan, Denmark and Wellington. Leong has been Member of the Professional Photographer’s Association of Singapore, Executive Committee member (1987) and Chairman (11992-94) of Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers, Full Member of Hong Kong Designers’ Association, Member of Hong Kong Artists’ Guild and Member of American Society of Media Photographers. He received twelve awards between 1987 to 1999, including: Silver Medal – Der Internationalen Buchkunst-Austellung, Leipzig, Germany, for “Leung Ka Tai on China: One to Twenty Four” (1989); Certificate of Distinction – Creative Award, Art Direction Magazine USA (1989); Silver Award – Hong Kong Designers Association (1990); Artist of the Year (Photography) – Hong Kong Artist Guild (1991); Award of Excellence – Photography Annual, Communication Arts Magazine USA (1992); Silver Award – Hong Kong Designers Association (1994); First Prize for Best Photojournalism – The 1994 Harry Chapin Media Awards (World Hunger Year) New York, U.S.A. (1995); Silver Award for Photography – 11th International ARC Awards Competition New York (1997); Gold Award for Photography – 13th International ARC Award Competition New York (1999).
Potala Afternoon (1983) Colour Photograph size unknownTashilumpo (1983) Colour Photograph size unknownAbbas Lama (1985) Colour Photograph size unknownChengdu Bookshop (1986) Colour Photograph size unknown
Shaanxi Backstage (1987) Colour Photograph size unknownHebei Stilts (1990) Colour Photograph size unknownKashi Barber (1991) Colour Photograph size unknownKashi Woman Shopper (1991) Colour Photograph size unknown
Xinjiang Youths (1991) Colour Photograph size unknownDennis Lo Yuk Ming (2002) B/W Photograph size unknownEric Fung (2002) B/W Photograph size unknownLeung Mei Lan (2002) B/W Photograph size unknown
Luk Sai Kuen (2002) B/W Photograph size unknownTong King Sum (2002) B/W Photograph size unknownZunzi (2002) B/W Photograph size unknownRavi Gidumal (2003) B/W Photograph size unknown
Fruit Chan (2003) B/W Photograph size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Mak, Ann 麥惠儀 2003 Leong Ka Tai [in Chinese]
Tsang Hing Ling 曾慶靈 2002 Leong Ka Tai interviewed by Tsang Hing Ling [in Chinese 中文訪問]
Contact the artist: photo@camera22.com
Official artist website: http://www.camera22.com/leongkatai/home.html

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.