Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lau Siu Hong, Freeman 劉小康
Name in pinyin: Liu Shaokang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1958-
Art Medium: graphic design,mixed media work
Lau studied in Hong Kong Polytechnic, and joined SS Design & Production in 1982, becoming Art Director in 1985. In 1988, Freeman was invited by Mr. Kan Tai-keung to join his company, forming "Kan Tai-keung Design & Associates Ltd". In August 1996, Freeman's name was incorporated in the company's name to become "Kan & Lau Design Consultants", he is now the Partner of the company. He has been a committee member of HKDA since 1989. He was the vice-chairman of HKDA in 1992 and 1993, 1996 and 1997, chairman in 1994 and 1995; the founding committee member of "Design: Hong Kong". Since 1984, Freeman has won over 200 awards in overseas and local art and design competitions. He was awarded Champion of Sculpture Section in Philippe Charriol's Modern Art Competition in 1992, the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Award 1994, the Urban Council Sculpture Design Award 1994, the Urban Council Fine Arts Awards 1998 and commissioned work of arts in the "Public Art Scheme Competition Exhibition 1999"; "Competition of Commemorative Relief Design" at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; "Competition on Design of Decorative Works of Art", Hong Kong Central Library and "Mural Design Competition", Hong Kong Heritage Museum. His works are included in private collections and collections of the Arezzo Museum of Contemporary Gold Jewellery Art, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Urban Council and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Searching for Fixation (1998) size unknownUntitled ( ) size unknownAgenda No. 1 (2003) size unknownWatsons Chair (2003) size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Cheung Chi Hoi 張志凱 2003 Freeman Lau's Chairs [in Chinese]
Lam Suet Hung, Anne 林雪虹 2003 People, Chair – Works by Freeman Lau [in English & Chinese]
Contact the artist: lau@kanandlau.com
Official artist website: http://www.freemanlau.com/

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.