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The Rose Garden 玫瑰園 ( 1994 ) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 47x116cm
During the Song Dynasty, the Hanlin scholar Si Maguang could not get along with the reformist Wang Anshi, and so he resigned his post and left the capital for Loyang, where he lived a life of leisure. Later, he built a private garden, in which, following the precepts of literati philosophy, he placed seven different kinds of scenery. There was the Reading Pavilion, the Water Pavilion, the Fish Pavilion, the Bamboo Grove, the Herb Garden, the Flower Garden, and the Mountain Viewing Pagoda. Later generations of literati painters always painted gardens as an expression of their ideal of "retreating from the world". I am also trying to construct a pleasure garden on paper - a rose garden without roses.

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.