Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Cheung Nga Yin, Lucia 張雅燕
Name in pinyin: Zhang Yayan
Also known as:
Place of birth: Macao
Dates: unknown-
Art Medium: painting
Born in Macao, Cheung settled in Hong Kong at an early age. She studied Language and Art in Italy, and Chinese painting with Prof. Yang Shanshen. She has held twelve solo exhibitions and has participated in numerous group exhibitions as well. Her works are in public and private collections in Hong Kong and overseas. From 1988 to 1993, she worked as contributing editor in Ming Pao Weekly. Apart from painting, Cheung worked as art coordinator/tutor at the Hong Kong Arts Centre for eight years and directed two documentaries for RTHK in 1996. She is author of 'The Secret of Children's Art' (1996).
Rhythm of Trees I 樹之節奏(一) (1983) Colour & ink on paper 39x39cmLandscape II 村居(二) (1986) Colour & ink on paper 46x50cmShimmering Light (1989) Ink on paper 61x85cmOn the Sunny Circle (1989) Ink on paper 61x85cm
Moon Drops (1989) Ink on paper 61x85cmTale of Two Cities 雙城記 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 131x29cmPink Dreams 粉紅色的夢 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 131x67cmThe Green Forest 綠色的森林 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 123x57cm
The Rose Garden 玫瑰園 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 47x116cmRandom Inspiration 天台偶拾 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 21x131cmMeeting As Usual 會照開 (1994) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 89x43cmI Have a Flower 我有一朵花 (1996) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 70x40cm
97 Ruyi 九七如意 (1996) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 26x38cmIn Search of Landscape 尋找風景 (1997) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 130x66cmInvisible City I - Blue 蜃樓 (1997) Colour & ink on rice paper 138x70cmInvisible City II 蜃樓 (1997) Colour & ink on rice paper 120x67cm
City of Memories I 城市追憶I (1997) Ink and colour on rice paper 40x67cm.Yin 陰 (1998) Colour & ink on hand-made paper 38x42cm.Yang 陽 (1998) Colour & ink on hand-made 38x42cmDream of Silk Road II 絲綢夢II (1998) Ink and colour on rice paper 48x65cm.
Trace of Bamboo 竹跡 (2000) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 130x66cmWindows 窗外 (2000) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) 130x66cmLandscape 高山流水 (2001) Retouching vanish on hand-made paper 115x36cm.In Search of Landscape II 尋找風景II (2002) Retouching vanish on hand-made paper 130x28cm.
Obsession of China I 中國情意結I (2002) Retouching vanish on hand-made paper 130x40cm.The Days of Wine & Rose 花樣年華 (2002) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) size unknownA Room with a View I 住家風景I (2002) Retouching vanish on hand-made paper 130x68cm.A Home with a View 山高水長 (2002) Colour & ink on paper (Real gold spots hand-made paper) size unknown
In Search of Landscape 有情無景 (2002) Retouching vanish on hand-made paper size unknownHome with a View 山高水長 (2003) mosaic mural size unknownEarth Pin 鏡花水月 (2004) sculpture, stainless steel, granite base size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Chang Tsong-zung 張頌仁 2002 In Search of Landscape (尋找風景的張雅燕) [About Lucia Cheung's work, in English & Chinese]
Cheung Nga Yin, Lucia 張雅燕 2004 Artist's Statement – In Search of Landscape [in Chinese]
Cheung Nga Yin, Lucia 張雅燕 2004 Artist's Statement – Mirrored Flowers and Moon in the Water [in English & Chinese]
Tsang Hing Ling 曾慶靈 2002 Cheung Nga Yin Lucia interviewed by Tsang Hing Ling [in Chinese 中文訪問]

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.