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Drift City (Building Making Buildings) 遊離都市 (樓樓起樓樓) ( 2002 ) Wooden blocks, glues, tables, markers, and Hong Kong cityscape 1800(L)x50(W)x100cm(H)

Drift City (Building Making Buildings) (detail) 遊離都市 (樓樓起樓樓) (細部) ( 2002 ) Wooden blocks, glues, tables, markers, and Hong Kong cityscape 1800(L)x50(W)x100cm(H)

Drift City (Building Making Buildings) (detail) 遊離都市 (樓樓起樓樓) (細部) ( 2002 ) Wooden blocks, glues, tables, markers, and Hong Kong cityscape 1800(L)x50(W)x100cm(H)

Drift City (Building Making Buildings) (detail) 遊離都市 (樓樓起樓樓) (細部) ( 2002 ) Wooden blocks, glues, tables, markers, and Hong Kong cityscape 1800(L)x50(W)x100cm(H)

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.