Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Wong Kei Kwan 黃紀鈞
Name in pinyin: Huang Jijun
Also known as: Zunzi, Zhun Zi 尊子
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1955-
Art Medium: cartoon,mixed media work
Zunzi studied Fine Arts in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He started to publish cartoons in newspapers and magazines in the late 1970s. Since 1980, Zunzi has been working for the Ming Pao Daily News, more recently as a staff writer. His works are published mainly in the Ming Pao Daily, Apple Daily and Next Magazine.
[Awaiting Your advice] 隨時候教 (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown[The Judge Has Finished His Work] 法官下班了 (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown[Communication Between China and Hong Kong] 中港交流 (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown[We] 我們 (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown
Jiang/Tung (1997) Cartoon size unknownChange (date unknown) Cartoon size unknownCheck (date unknown) Cartoon size unknownLaw (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown
Where the Heart Goes (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown [Ten Years' Memory] 十年記 (1999) Cartoon size unknownMickey in Hong Kong (1999) Cartoon size unknownUntitled (date unknown) Cartoon size unknown
Sze To Wah (date unknown) Cartoon size unknownThe New Leader (2002) Cartoon size unknownJiang/ Li (date unknown) Sculpture size unknownMr. Tung (date unknown) Sculpture size unknown
V.I.P. (date unknown) Sculpture size unknownUntitled (date unknown) Installation size unknownUntitled (date unknown) Paper sculpture size unknownUntitled (date unknown) Paper Sculpture size unknown
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Tsang Hing Ling 曾慶靈 2002 Zunzi interviewed by Tsang Hing Ling [in Chinese 中文訪問]
Contact the artist: zunzi@hknet.com
Official artist website:

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.