Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Lam Wai Kit 林慧潔
Name in pinyin: Lin Huijie
Also known as:
Place of birth: HongKong
Dates: 1966-
Art Medium: installation,photography,video art
Lam graduated with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK in 1996. In 2003, she obtained her MFA from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has held several solo and group exhibitions in Hong Kong, Italy, Canada and Shanghai since 1997. Her works have been collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and private collections in the UK, Canada, Australia and Hong Kong.
The Green Mirror 綠色鏡子 (1993) colour photograph size unknownThis is you; this is not you 是你;不是你 (1998) b/w digital video 18’The Secret Gardens: Portrait no. 2 秘密庭園:人像二 (1999) b/w photograph, silicon rubber, wood plate 7.5”x 15.5”The Secret Gardens: Portrait no. 3 秘密庭園:人像三 (1999) b/w photograph, silicon rubber, wood plate 7.5” x 15.5”
Missing 下落不明 (2000) colour photograph on aluminum 23” x 35”Night Bird: Running Train 夜鳥:行走中的火車 (2000-01) sound installation size unknownMy Gaze; His Gaze 我的凝視;他的凝視 (2001) colour photograph size unknownDisplacement: 4 轉移:四 (2002) colour photograph on aluminum 20” x 60”
Displacement: 8 轉移:八 (2002) colour photograph on aluminum 30” x 40”Something About... 二三事... (2002) colour digital video 9’48”TGV (2002) colour photograph size unknownThe Red Underground 紅色地鐵 (2002) colour photograph size unknown
Self-Portrait as a Classical Painting 自拍照:古畫 (2003) colour photograph size unknownTwo Ways of Disappearance/Reappearance 消失/再現的兩種方法 (2003) colour digital video 4’47”Hide-and-Seek 捉迷藏 (2003) colour digital video 2’12”Say Me as a Little Fish 我是一條小魚兒 (2003) colour digital video 1’42”
The Gaze 凝視 (2003) colour digital video 2’07”A Letter to my Dear Bird 致我心愛的小鳥 (2003) colour & b/w digital video 5’14”False Memory 虛假記憶 (2004) b/w photograph on aluminum, text 59 x 237 cmThe Other’ (photograph, details) 他者(相片.局部) (2004) colour photograph on aluminum 26” x 39” each
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Chan Chui Wah 陳翠華 2000 A Room of Her View [About Lam Wai Kit's works, in Chinese & English]
Lam Wai Kit 林慧潔 2004 Artist's Statement [in English]
Lam Wai Kit, Paolo Mascolini and Riccardo Roversi 林慧潔, Paolo Mascolini and Riccardo Roversi 2003 A Knock on a Foreign Door: Dialogues between Two Cultures [in English]
Lo Yat Lun 盧壹麟 2001 "Self Talking" Alone [About Lam Wai Kit's works, in Chinese]
Ng Wai Cheong 伍偉昌 2004 Formless Mirrors Dissecting the World [About Lam Wai Kit's exhibition "The Other", in Chinese]
Tang Ying Chi, Stella 鄧凝姿 2002 Work of Lam Wai Kit [About Lam Wai Kit's works, in Chinese]
Contact the artist: waikitlam@alumni.cuhk.net, lamwaikit@gmail.com
Official artist website: http://www.waikitlam.com/

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.