Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Ha Bik Chuen 夏碧泉
Name in pinyin: Xia Biquan
Also known as:
Place of birth: Xinhui, Guangdong, China
Dates: 1925-2009
Art Medium: photography,printmaking,sculpture
Born in Xinhui, Guangdong in 1925, Ha moved to Macao in 1949 and settled in Hong Kong in 1957. He joined the Association of Modern Chinese Artists in 1960 and exhibited at the annual exhibition of the Association from 1971 to 1967. He became member of the Hampshire Graphics Society, USA and exhibited at the Hampshire International Graphics Annual in USA in 1974. Self-taught artist, Ha has received lots of prestigious awards: Fine Art Awards in Sculpture & Printmaking, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong (1975); First Price Winner, Sculpture Design Competition, Hong Kong (1978); Hong Kong Artist's Guild Artist of the Year Award: Printmaker of the Year (1991); Bronze Award, the 1st Chinese Printmaking Exhibition, Shanxi Artist Gallery (1993); Lu Xun Printmaking Award, China Printmakers Association (1996) & Hong Kong Arts Development Council Award (1997).
[The Sounds of Nature] 天籟的回嚮 (1970) Bamboo Black 書法水墨畫 (1990) Ink & colour on paper 68.5x45.5cm[Self-portrait] 自畫像 (1990) Ink on paper [A Stubborn Child] 頑童 (1994) Relief print
[Praise the Mountain and River] 山河頌 (1995) Mixed media [Heat Up] 熱力四射 (1997) Relief print [Chinese Gongfu Series] 中國功夫系列 (1998/99) Mixed media 36”x48”[Gongfu Fellow] 功夫小子 (1998/99) Mixed media
[A Magician] 魔術師 (1998/99) Mixed media [Bamboo Sculpture] 竹雕 (1998) Bamboo [Sketch Diary] 素描日記 (2000) Relief print [Rhythm of Law] 韻律 (2000) Relief print
[A Robot] 機械人 (2000) Mixed media [Self-portrait Sketch] 素描自畫像 (2001) Pencil on paper [Photo Assemblage] 攝影組合 (2001) Photography (Finland) [Photo Assemblage] 攝影組合(detail) (2001) Photography
[Bamboo Sculpture Series] 竹雕系列 (2001) Bamboo [Victory Monument] 凱旋坊 (2001) Bamboo [Toilsome Life] 辛苦了一生 (2001) Mixed media sculpture [Sculpture Made From Waste] 廢物利用雕塑 (2001) Mixed media sculpture
[Ink Painting] 水墨畫 (2001) Ink & colour on paper [Calligraphy & Ink Painting] 書法水墨畫 (2001) Ink & colour on paper [Hercules No.2] 大力士2號 (2001) Mixed media sculpture [Hercules No. 1] 大力士1號 (2001) Mixed media sculpture
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Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Lam Suet Hung, Anne 林雪虹 2004 Ha Bik-chuen [in English & Chinese]
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The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.