Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Chan Yuk Keung 陳育強
Name in pinyin: Chen Yuqiang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Dates: 1959-
Art Medium: mixed media work
Chan graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1983. He completed his MFA degree in Painting in Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan in USA. Since 1989, Chan has been teaching in the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Starting from 1983, he has exhibited his works in over fifty local and overseas exhibitions. He had served as honorary Advisor for both the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Chan was awarded the First Prize of Public Art Scheme Competition (Tai Po Central Town Square) and Second Prize of NORD/LB Art for Expo Competition in 1999. In 2000, he was finalist for the Sculpture Competition for the Hong Kong Central Library.
Survival 求存 (1986) Mixed media 210x120cmAutumn Drum 秋鼓 (1987) Mixed media 120x240cmUntitled (1991) Mixed media Untitled (1991) Mixed media
Untitled (1991) Mixed media Untitled (1991) Mixed media Narcissus Complex 水仙花情意結 (1991) Mixed media Equally Incisive are Our Ancestor's Teeth and Our Language 祖先的牙齒,我們的語言,一般的犀利 (1991) Mixed media
Medicine (1991) Mixed media Untitled (1991) Mixed media Untitled (1991) Mixed media Reading a Book Under the Eaves 簷蓬下看書 (1993/94) Mixed media
Absolute Stability 絕對穩定 (1996) Mixed media Drifting 遊 (1997) Mixed media Skin 皮 (1997) Mixed media Violence Speak 暴語 (1998) Mixed media
Contemplation x 7 七種沈思 (2000) Mixed media Four Colours 四色 (2000) Mixed media Tower of Resurrection 重生之塔 (2001) Mixed media
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Chan Yuk Keung 陳育強 1997 Artist's Statement [in English & Chinese]
Clarke, David 祈大衛 2003 Impossible Dialogue [Discussion on Chan Yuk Keung and Chan Wai Bong, in English]
Tsang Hing Ling 曾慶靈 2002 Chan Yuk Keung interviewed by Tsang Hing Ling [in Chinese 中文訪問]
Contact the artist: kurt@cuhk.edu.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.