Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Wan Qing Li 萬青力
Name in pinyin: Wan Qingli
Also known as:
Place of birth: Beijing, China
Dates: 1945-
Art Medium: calligraphy,ink painting
Wan studied painting at the Beijing Adolescents Palace from 1955 to 1959. In 1963, he studied for a BA degree at the Department of Art History of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and also learned painting from Prof. Xiao Shufang. In 1967 he was put into prison (niupeng), where he became acquainted with senior artists such as Li Kuchan, Li Keran, Wo Zuoren and Huang Yongyu. He was assigned to labour for “re-education” in Xuanhua, Hebei Province from 1968 to 1973. Wan was a painter at Beijing Academy of Painting from 1973 to 1979. He started to study painting with Li Keran in 1973 and Lu Yanshao in 1975. He won the First Prize for New Chinese Painting granted by Beijing Artists Association in 1979. From 1979 to 1981, Wan was a graduate student at the Department of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts under the instruction of Prof. Li Keran and Prof. Liang Shunian. His graduation painting and thesis won the Second Prize of Ye Qianyu Award. He became a member of the China Artists Association in 1980. From 1981 to 1983, he worked as Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Painting and also as executive editor of Chinese Painting Study (Zhongguohua Yanjiu). His painting “ Morning Reading” was shown at the Spring Salon in Paris in 1982. He was a Board Member of the Sixth China National Youth Council in 1983. In 1982-83, he painted “The Full Moon” and “Cranes Returning in Snow” at Zhongnanhai, “Climbing High” at the People’s Convention Hall, and part of a blue and green wall painting at the Diaoyutai National Guest Hotel. From 1984 to 1989, Wan studied in the United States and graduated from the University of Kansas with MA degree in art history in 1987 and PhD degree in 1991. Solo shows of Wan's work were held at E & J Frankel, Ltd. in New York (1985), the Art Museum of University of Missouri-Columbia (1987), and Wichita Art Museum (1988). Since 1989, he has been teaching at the Department of Fine Arts, The University of Hong Kong. Wan has served as Honorary Advisor to the Urban Council and the Regional Council. In 1996, he held a solo show at the University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, and in 2002 he had his second Solo Show at E & J Frankel, Ltd. in New York.
In Praise of the Taihang Mountain 太行吟 (1974) Ink & colour on paper 11.5x16cmSketches of Nature 真山真水 (1980) Ink & colour on paper 11.5x16.5cmTradition at the Present 傳統今朝 (1980) Ink & colour on paper 10x14.5cmFigures 人物冊 (1984) Ink & colour on paper 30x41cm
Couplet in Running Script 多言即少味, 無欲斯有為 (1985) Ink on paper 33x116cmA Trip to the Western Hemisphere 西半球之旅 (1986) Ink & colour on paper 11.5x17cmFigures 人物冊 (1990) Ink & colour on paper 20x31.5cmMemories from Past Travels 記寫舊遊 (1995) Ink & colour on paper 33x117cm
Mountains After Snow 群山雪齋 (1995) Ink & colour on paper 96.5x185cmx4Calligraphy in Seal Script 丹青不以新為貴 (1995) Ink on paper 35x131cmListening to the Rain 聽雨圖 (1996) Ink & colour on paper 122x246cmQingbian Mountains: Meditating on the Ancients 青卞懷古 (2000) Ink on paper 124x64cm
Night Dreams of a Mountain Dwelling 夜夢山居圖 (2001) Ink & light colour on paper 133x57cmSeen in Supermarket 超市所見 (2001) Ink & light colour on paper 105x34.5cmWhere Have the Musician and His Audience Gone? 曲中人不見 (2001) Ink on paper 142x447cmThe World is Still Not Peaceful 如今世界仍不太平 (2001) Ink on paper 134x34cm
Hearing But Not Seeing 耳鑑圖 (2001) Ink & light colour on paper 72x35cmA Couplet in Regular Script 楷書對聯 (2000) Ink on paper 132x30cmMy Own Poem Written in Cursive Script, II 自書詩草書條幅 (2001) Ink on paper 134x17cmThe World Trade Centre Towers, An Eternal Memory 但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟 (2001) Ink on paper 60x34cm
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Contact the artist: qlwan@hkucc.hku.hk

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.