Hong Kong Art: Visual Archive

Kwan, Jerry 關晃
Name in pinyin: Guan Fang
Also known as:
Place of birth: Guangdong, China
Dates: 1934-2008
Art Medium: painting
Kwan moved to Hong Kong in 1949 and to the United States in 1972. He lived and worked in New York City since 1979, returning to Hong Kong in 1997. He obtained the Certificate in Art and Design from the Department of Extra-mural Studies of Hong Kong University in 1972, and graduated from the Columbus College of Art and Design with a B.F.A. degree in 1976, and Syracuse University with a M.F.A. degree in 1978. Since 1971, he has held a number of solo exhibitions in Hong Kong and New York and numerous group exhibitions in Hong Kong, Korea, the United States and Macau. He was the recipient of a Ford Foundation award for excellent works (1978) and a Fellowship from the US National Endowment for the Arts (1995-95).
Emptiness (1972) Woodcut 35x24inUntitledv (1977) Acrylic on paper 85x70inUntitled (1977) Acrylic on canvas 85x70inUntitled (1977) Acrylic on canvas 92x70cm
Transformation Series No. 5 (1981) Pastel on paper 20x26inThe Ghetto 少數族裔社區 (1984) Oil on canvas Triptych 46x96in Acid Rain (1984) Oil on canvas size unknownMelting Hot (1984) Oil on canvas 46x91in
[The Princesses of the Last Emperor] 末代帝王的後宮佳麗 (1985) Plaster 14x4x5cm eachOn 64 (1989) Pastel on paper size unknownPortrait of Gods Series (1993) Mixed media size unknownDomestic Wolf (1993) Mixed media on canvas 46x90in
End of the Line (1994) Oil on canvas 22x28inUnderground Series No. 3 (1994) Ink on paper size unknownParking Lot (1995) Oil on canvas 22x30inParty is Over (1995) Oil on canvas 22x30in
Lamp Post (1996) Oil on canvas Oil on canvasRural Industry (1999) Oil on canvas 38.5x90inThe Trouble of the Ox (2002) Oil on canvas 27.5x75inConfucius says, “Think No Evil” (2003) Oil, epoxy and metal on canvas 60x119.5in
Click on title below to access the material concerning this artist:
Author 作者 Year Title of Article [Related Information]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1969-1972) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1976-1977) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1981) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1984) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1990's) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1993) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (1997) [in English]
Kwan, Jerry 關晃 2004 Artist's Statement (2000) [in English]
Contact the artist: e4569@netvigator.com

The Hong Kong Art Archive is honoured to be chosen as one of the HKU Faculty of Arts 90th Anniversary projects.

Last updated: 3 July, 2020.