The MPhil Thesis

The primary requirement of the MPhil degree is production of an MPhil thesis that examines a well-focused topic in depth. The MPhil thesis is significantly more substantial than an MA thesis. Research and writing of the thesis are conducted under the close supervision of the primary supervisor, who is required to meet with the student at least once monthly for consultation and guidance. An MPhil thesis should be based on research using both secondary and primary sources, including the examination of original works of art and historical archival materials as appropriate. The thesis must be written in English and is expected to reach a publishable academic standard, including proper use of quotations, notes, citations, illustrations, and other supporting material. The usual length of an MPhil thesis is 25,000 to 35,000 words (including footnotes).

The PhD Thesis

The primary requirement of the PhD degree is production of a PhD thesis that generates new knowledge about a specific area of art historical research. Research and writing of the thesis are conducted under the close supervision of the primary supervisor, who is required to meet with the student at least once monthly for consultation and guidance. Research for the PhD thesis should incorporate the best existing scholarship on the topic and should bring to light previously unstudied materials and/or interpret previously studied materials in new ways. PhD students are expected to travel to archival sources and conduct research in foreign languages as needed. The thesis must be written in English to a publishable academic standard, including proper use of quotations, notes, citations, illustrations, and other supporting material. The usual length of a PhD thesis is 40,000 to 60,000 words (including footnotes).

Thesis Examination

  • A candidate shall serve written notice to the Chairperson of the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC) of his/her intention to submit a thesis for examination at least three months before the expected date of submission.

  • An MPhil thesis is examined by one teacher from HKU and one External Examiner specializing in the student’s research area.

  • A PhD thesis is examined by two teachers from HKU and one External Examiner specializing in the student’s research area.

  • Examination includes written reports from the examiners and an oral exam. If the student passes the oral exam, s/he is usually given a few months of time to make revisions based on the examiners’ feedback. The degree is granted when satisfactory revisions are submitted.

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