
Contemporary Chinese art: 1980 to the present

Lecturer: Vivian K. SHENG

Previously taught by: Angie BAECKER
6 credits

This course examines the burgeoning development of contemporary Chinese art in relation to its shifting socio-political and cultural realities since the end of the Cultural Revolution. Structured around a series of thematic studies on major exhibitions and artworks made and displayed at different stages, this course addresses issues relating to art criticism, institutional censorship, public engagement and art market, investigating unprecedented transnational flows and cross-cultural exchanges within the increasingly interconnected, yet unevenly developed contemporary art world. This course draws particular attention to the practices of Chinese women artists, including Shen Yuan, Lin Tianmiao, Yin Xiuzhen, Lu Qing, Xing Danwen, Kan Xuan, Cao Fei and others, interrogating and challenging the  unacknowledged, unquestioned marginalised status of women in the mainstream discourses of Chinese avant-garde art.

100% coursework

One 1000-level Art History course



“I think this course has one of the best assignment arrangements that I have experienced. Dr. Baecker really put in lots of effort to design reasonably challenging and very educative assignments through out the semester. I learnt things that I have barely learnt in other ARTH classes, including proper primary source research and some understanding about the art market.”

ARTH2061 student, 2021-2022

“The field trip to Beijing helped a lot with our understanding of the art scene in Mainland China.”

ARTH2061 student, 2017-2018

“Having the opportunity to go the Beijing is the best and most effective learning activity. I was able to meet different practising artists and discuss art theories with them……I absorb the course materials and theories very quickly.”

ARTH2061 student, 2017-2018