
Blockbusters, Bonanzas, and Biennales: contemporary art in the global age

6 credits

This course examines the global circuits of contemporary art from 1980 to the present through a consideration of various biennales, triennials, and global art fairs in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The class begins by investigating two landmark exhibitions – Primitivism in 20th Century Art (New York, 1985) and Magiciens de la Terre (Paris, 1989) – in order to consider the perception and presentation of so-called “non-western art” and to broadly historicize present-day “global” art practice. Topics will include the reappraisal of the western/non-western division, the importance of artistic identity, and the promotion of art as cultural ambassador.

100% coursework




“The course materials are quite inspiring. The lectures are also quite engaging.”

ARTH2090 student, 2017-2018

“It’s conceptually rich and deep, and very nicely complemented with visual materials. Important theories and frameworks are repeated as needed.”

ARTH2090 student, 2017-2018

“Very interesting. The course materials and teaching are interesting.”

ARTH2090 student, 2017-2018