
Sites of representation: Artistic practices from colonial to independent India [capstone]

6 credits

This class is a thematic investigation into Indian art from the late colonial period through Independence in 1947. Over this span of roughly fifty years the politics of style sat at the hub of many debates about modern art. Given that India has a rich tradition of artistic expression, many asked whether modern art should look to India’s past or to the international for inspiration. Topics will include the rejection of European-style oil painting, the advance of a “new Indian” aesthetic, and how various social and political changes impacted artistic production.

100% coursework

At least one Art History course at the 3000 level and three other Art History courses at the 2000 or 3000 level

FINE3017 and FINE4007


“The course covers a wide range of interrelated and interesting topics. We had the chance to explore and incorporate political and historical events into artistic analysis.”

ARTH4007 student, 2017-2018

“I did not really know much at all about Indian art before this course, and although it wasn’t introductory I always felt that I was made aware of the surrounding knowledge and context.”

ARTH4007 student, 2017-2018

“Super interesting, I was encouraged to learn further outside of the course scope.”

ARTH4007 student, 2017-2018