
Art, writing, printing and printmaking in early-modern Europe [capstone]

6 credits

The invention of printing with movable type, and the concurrent invention of printmaking technologies capable of reproducing images, marked an epochal development in European culture. This course investigates the ways in which these technologies arose and developed. We examine the new media that transformed visual culture in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, as well as the impact of printing on older forms of visual art, such as painting, sculpture and architecture, and on artistic training and collecting. In studying these developments, we will look at printmakers like Dürer, Marcantonio, Lucas van Leyden, Cort, Callot, Goltzius, Rosa and Rembrandt. This class incorporates a compulsory field trip.

100% coursework

At least one Art History course at the 3000 level and three other Art History courses at the 2000 or 3000 level

FINE3018 and FINE4008


“Very informative and accessible to non-art students.”

ARTH4008 student, 2017-2018

“I also appreciate that this course offers me chances to step out of the classroom and appreciate art in a broader sense, e.g. tutorial about calligraphy, visiting PACE and AAA.”

ARTH4008 student, 2017-2018