
Through the generosity of The University of Hong Kong Museum Society, several grants are available each academic year to support art history students travel outside Hong Kong to view art in museum collection or other locations, to undertake art-related internship programmes, or to conduct research overseas.

Types of Grants

For Undergraduate Art History Students

Each year, a combined value of about HK$40,000 will be awarded to successful applicants.

Each grant usually ranges between $3,000 and $10,000, to be decided by the Selection Committee.

For Research Postgraduate Art History Students

Two grants for research postgraduate students are available each academic year, for a combined value of HK$30,000.

One grant is for a student studying any area of Asian art history, while the other is open to all postgraduate students in the Department of Art History, regardless of their area of specialty.

Subject to approval in advance, the grants shall be used to cover the costs of air and local travel, accommodation, and other relevant expenses incurred during the trip (such as museum entry charges).

Meet the Donor and Awardees

“We believe that students need to have the opportunities to expand their horizon through academic excellence and encourage them with awards, and by travelling abroad and actually seeing the works.”

Mrs. Yvonnie Choi,
Chairman, The University of Hong Kong Museum Society

“I went on a trip with Dr. Koon and also a lot of students to Echigo-Tsumari Triennial in Japan. We were so lucky we got funding from the Museum Society. So we actually didn’t have to pay much ourselves. Actually, [it’s] my first personal experience to contemporary art festival, and it was like super eye-opening because it fills a lot of gaps, and also it was my first encounter with site-specific arts.”

Ms. Erin Li, HKU Museum Society Travel Grants recipient
HKU alumni (BSocSc 2015)

“For me it is always very important to see the real objects. I like the objects. To see the objects, to feel the texture, and to see it in its original scale is really different. And also participating in conferences, listening to world-renowned scholars, talking about their research, is always really inspiring.”

Ms. Candy Leung, HKU Museum Society Travel Grants recipient
Current PhD student




This grant is open to undergraduate students in year 2 or above who are majoring in Art History. Travel must be completed prior to the end of the student’s undergraduate studies (usually June 30). A student can only be awarded this Grant once during his/her period of study at HKU.

Research Postgraduate

All Research Postgraduate Students in the Department are eligible to apply for this grant during their normative study period, for travel to be completed prior to the end of that period. A student can only be awarded this grant once during his/her candidature.


Please submit your application form, together with the supporting documents and a copy of the academic transcripts or grades records to the Art History general office via email or in-person by the deadline.


To be announced

Application Form (coming soon)
Note: There is only one application form for all Art History travel grants. Submit one form only. 


Selection Criteria and Committee

Grants will be awarded based on:

  • academic excellence
  • the importance of the travel plan to the student’s study

The selection committee is composed of three full-time teachers in the Department.

Responsibilities of Successful Applicants

On completion of the trip, each grant recipient must submit a report, including:

  • an account of the use of the award money
  • a thank-you letter to the donor
  • original receipts shall be submitted (for the reimbursement of expenses)

Failure to account for the proper use of the fund may lead to withdrawal of the award money.