Warmest congratulations to Dr. Yeewan Koon for receiving the University’s Outstanding Teaching Award 2020!

This award is a formal recognition of her teaching excellency. Over the past 15 years of teaching at HKU, she has inspired and nurtured thousands of art history students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her passion in art and critical approach to art history come through with her interactive ways of teaching. One former student recalls that “there were always a lot of back and forth questions, always challenging you to think further based on the readings and the images.”

To prepare students for graduation, she often invites practicing art professionals to campus and engages students in exciting curatorial projects, bridging the academics and the wider community. Earlier this year, she received the Faculty KE Award for her impact in the field. “Another very important thing that I learnt from her,” says another former students, “was a work ethic, which I think she not only tells her students, but very much teaches by example with the work that she does.”

>> Learn more about Dr Koon’s teaching (video)