Posters as Art and Advertising in the Nineteenth Century
September 26, 2016 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Posters as Art and Advertising in the Nineteenth Century
Date: 26 September 2016 (Monday)
Time: 5:00-6:30pm
Venue: Room 7.58, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
During the nineteenth century designers invented a new form of art and advertising, using what was still a new medium – colour lithography. They developed a new form of communication that relied primarily on images and set a new direction for modern graphic design. This richly illustrated talk features numerous posters from France, England and other European nations as well as the US, that promoted a wide range of products, services, and entertainments, including books, journals, cafe concerts and circuses; contemporary fashions and department stores; cameras, typewriters, and bicycles, and transportation services like the train. This talk analyzes this rich visual archive of modern life.
Speaker: Ruth E. Iskin
Ruth E. Iskin is the author of The Poster: Art, Advertising, Design, and Collecting, 1860s-1900s (Dartmouth Press, 2014) and Modern Women and Parisian Consumer Culture in Impressionist Painting (Cambridge University Press, 2017). A Chinese edition was published in 2010. She is the editor of Re-envisioning the Contemporary Art Canon: Perspectives in a Global World (forthcoming, December 2016 by Routledge).
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