Technique Workshops

All of our academic programmes focus on art history, but we believe it is important for art history students to understand and appreciate different studio techniques involved in the artistic creation. Our technique workshops aim to provide students with hands-on experience. Students are exposed to a variety of tools and materials. They are also given the opportunity to observe and learn from specialists, so that they have a better understanding of the process of art making and can form more grounded discussions.

Art Workshops

University Artists Scheme

The University Artists Scheme was officially launched in 2008 and is the first programme of its kind to be held at HKU. The Scheme aims to bring artists of international caliber to our campus to enrich the lives of our students, staff, and the wider Hong Kong community through a series of activities held over a two-year period. The University Artists Scheme 2017-2019 is hosted by the Faculty of Arts and is generously supported by Dr Alice Lam.

2017-19 Patty Chang
2014-16 Glenn Davidson and Anne Hayes Artstation
2011-13 Gu Wenda

CV and Interview Workshops

To prepare students for graduation, the department invites an expert to host an annual CV and interview workshop. Students will learn what makes a professional CV and how they can present the best version of themselves in interviews.

The 2 hours workshop covers:

  • CV preparation
  • Interview preparation and etiquette