Carolyn D. MUIR (1952-2020)

BA Wellesley College; MA University of Pennsylvania; PhD University of Manchester
Until her retirement from HKU in 2013, Dr. Muir taught courses in Renaissance art, women and art, and an introductory survey of Western art. She joined HKU in 1979, and served as Head of the Department of Fine Arts for 11 years, from 1989-99. Her research focused on issues of religious iconography in late medieval through Baroque art, especially the imagery of saints. Publications include books on mystic marriage and articles on the iconography of St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Henry Suso, and St. Hermann-Joseph, which have appeared in Gesta, Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, Source: Notes in the History of Art, and an essay collection on medieval masculinities. In recognition of her excellence as a teacher, the university appointed her as a University Teaching Fellow for 1997-98.
Religious iconography in late medieval through Baroque art, imagery of saints
Selected Publications
Muir, C.D. Saintly Brides and Bridegrooms: The Mystic Marriage in Northern Renaissance Art. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2012.
Muir, C.D. “Bride or Bridegroom? Masculine Identity in Mystic Marriages.” In Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages, edited by P.H. Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis, 58-78. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2004.
Muir, C.D. “Landscape and Portraiture from the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum.” In Masterpieces of Western Oil Painting from the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, edited by Hong Kong Museum of Art, 28-38. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1997.
Muir, C.D. “Patronage in the Italian Renaissance.” In The Art of Affluence, edited by Larissa Downes, 7-13. Hong Kong: Edinburgh Financial Publishing (Asia) Ltd., 1997.
Muir, C.D. “Lay Bridegrooms of a Female Christ in Two Fifteenth-Century French Miniatures.” Source: Notes in the History of Art 30, no. 4 (2011): 4-11.
Carolyn Muir @ HKU

Dr. Muir was teaching at MB240 using slides and projectors

Dr. Muir’s last lecture at HKU
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