CHUANG Shen 莊申 (1932-2000)

BA National Taiwan Normal University; MA Princeton University
Professor Chuang Shen joined the Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong in 1965. In 1978, he founded the Department of Fine Arts and served as the Head. As a Chinese art specialist, Prof. Chuang’s research focused on different aspects of Chinese art, including paintings, calligraphy, bronzes, potteries, ceramics, as well as Chinese art theory.
Chinese Art
Selected Publications
Chuang, Shen. Life in the Tang Dynasty. Hong Kong: University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong, 2008.
Chuang, Shen. Looking for detail in the history of Chinese art. Taibei: National Museum of History, 2003.
Chuang, Shen. Cong baizhi dao baiyin: Qingmo Guangdong shuhua chuangzuo yu shoucang shi 從白紙到白銀: 清末廣東書畫創作與收藏史 (From Paper to Silver: The History of the Creation and Collection of Painting and Calligraphy in Guangdong in Late Qing Dynasty). Taipei: Dong da tu shu, 1997.
Chuang, Shen. Genyuan zhi mei 根源之美 (Beauty of the Origin). Taipei: Dong da tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, 1992.
Chuang, Shen. Shanzi yu Zhongguo wenhua 扇子與中國文化 (Paper Fans and Chinese Culture). Taipei: Dong da tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, 1992.
Chuang, Shen. A catalogue of Chinese paintings in the Luis de Camoes Museum, Macau. Macau: Imprensa Nacional, 1977.
Chuang, Shen. Yuan ji si huajia shi xiao ji 元季四畫家詩校輯 (The Collection of Poems by Four Artists in Yuan Dynasty). Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1973.
Chuang, Shen. Zhongguo shihua yanshiu 中國畫史研究 (A study on the History of Chinese Painting). Taipei: Zheng zhong shu ju, 1959.
Chuang Shen @ HKU

Prof. Chuang and students outside the Main Building

Prof. Chuang served as one of the judges for the Hong Kong Ink Painting Competition, an event organized by the Fine Arts Society
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