Elaine Yin Ning KWOK 郭燕寧

Part-time Lecturer 兼任講師

Email: kyn.elaine@gmail.com
Office: Room 10.24, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

BA, MPhil, PhD University of Hong Kong

Dr Kwok teaches the course on Baroque art. She obtained her BA (double majors in Art History and Comparative Literature), MPhil, and PhD (in Art History) degrees from the University of Hong Kong. She also teaches various subjects (before and after 1900) of Western art history and Chinese art history for MA and BA programs at the Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, and Lingnan University. A specialist in cross-cultural interaction between Europe and China, she has published peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and publishing institutes including Grove Dictionary of Art, Grove Art Online, Oxford Art Online, Oxford University Press. Outside universities, she frequently gives lecture series and talks for art-related organizations like Christie’s Education, the Hong Kong Palace Museum, and Asia Society (Hong Kong Center).

Cross-cultural interaction between China and the West: aesthetics and history

Comparison between Chinese art and Western art: aesthetic and history

Selected Publications

(Chinese version based on PhD thesis, tentative book title) 《歐洲對中國書畫之理解(1600-1850)》香港: 三聯書店,2024 (estimated publish year)

Book review of Bauhaus Women: A Global Perspective, by Elizabeth Otto and Patrick Rössler, New York: Herbert Press, 2019. College Art Association, CrossRef DOI: 10.3202/caa.reviews.2020.70 at http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/3718#.YCC6cOkzZRc, 2020.

“A Five-Dimensional Approach to Conceptualizing the Interplay of Image, Emotions, and Senses,” Visual Past: A Journal for the Study of Past Visual Cultures, Vol. 5, 2018: 239-259 (online ISSN 2199–1383). (First published in Studies in Visual Arts and Communication – An International Journal, the George Enescu University of Arts, Vol. 3 (2), Dec 2016), 2018.

“China; Architecture, Shanghai Art Deco,” The Grove Encyclopedia of Asian Art & Architecture, Grove Dictionary of Art, Grove Art Online, Oxford Art Online, Oxford University Press, 2017.

(article revision) “China, §XVI: Art training,” The Grove Encyclopedia of Asian Art & Architecture, Grove Dictionary of Art, Grove Art Online, Oxford Art Online, Oxford University Press, 2017.

“A Five-Dimensional Approach to Conceptualizing the Interplay of Image, Emotions, and Senses,” Studies in Visual Arts and Communication – An International Journal, the George Enescu University of Arts, Vol. 3 (2), Dec 2016 (online ISSN 2393–1221), 2016.

“Lay’s The Chinese as They Are (1841) as an Excellent Example Illustrating the Importance of Studying Art Reception in Art History,” Journal of the Association of Western Art History (Images and Histories), 43: 165-190, 2015.


“Europeans’ Profound Understanding of and Responses to the Architectural Aesthetics of Chinese Buildings and Gardens in the 18th century” for Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities (An AHRC-Funded Interdisciplinary Conference), the University of Stirling, 2015.

“18th-Century Architectural Studies were the Pioneers in Cross-Cultural Exchange between Europe and China” for The 14th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS, Rotterdam), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2015.

“The Role of Physicality and Materiality in European’s Global Sensibilities when Responding to Chinese Painting and Calligraphy after 1600 and before 1860” for The 15th DNS Conference: Ideas and Enlightenment in the Long Eighteenth Century (David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XV), the University of Sydney, 2014.

“Art Reception and Emotion Perception” for Aesthetic Notions: Framing Emotional Perception (Collogue International 2014), les centres de recherche des Universités Paris-Sorbonne, 2014.

Current Courses

ARTH2025 The art of the Baroque ca. 1560-1720