Harald Peter KRAEMER 孔慧銳

Curator, University Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館館長

Tel: 2219 4513
Email: hkraemer@hku.hk
Office: Room 205, TT Tsui Building, Main Campus

Dipl. Cur. Institute for Cultural Sciences, Vienna; PhD University of Trier

Dr. Kraemer is an art scholar, curator and designer with a focus on Museum Studies and Media in Museums. His PhD on Museum Informatics & Digital Collections is considered a standard work for digital museum documentation. As a pioneer of museum informatics and through his involvement in 40 museums in the planning, design and production of database systems for collection/museum management, digital online strategies for museums and numerous interactive online and offline media applications with cultural themes and e-learning courses, he is counted among the founders of the Digital Humanities.

In Vienna, Dr. Kraemer completed the first MA programme for exhibition curators and has since curated and designed over 80 exhibitions. He has written and published widely on applied museology, museum documentation, media in museums, curating, and contemporary art and has taught these topics at universities in Bern, Glasgow, Hong Kong, and Zurich, among others. He was one of the founders of the European Master of Excellence Program Media Arts Cultures and Head of the MA Program Curating Art & Media (SCM, 2014-2021). Since August 2022 he has been a curator at UMAG, where he also teaches courses in Museum Studies. Next projects: Couplet Pair Rebus. The principle of cause and effect in art (exhibition at UMAG); Museums and their digital intangible Cultural Heritage (book).

Applied Museum Studies, Curating and Exhibition Design, Interactive Media in Museums, History of Art / Media / Design / Exhibitions 20th/21st century

The Future of Museums, Digital Intangible Cultural Heritage, Dystopian Science Fiction, all kinds of painting

Selected Publications

“Pedagogical & Interpretive Media”, (chapter) in: New Media Art: Curation and Culture, Vol. III of Encyclopaedia of New Media Art, Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2024. (in prep.)

 Future Memories. Utopia Dystopia Nature. Exhibition Strategy – Reflection – Documentation, Barcelona / Hong Kong / Vienna: Ediciones Triton, 2022.

“Media are—first of all—for fun. The Future of Media determines the Future of Museums”, in: Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J. Campbell (Eds.): The Future of Museums, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2018, 81100.

The Age of Experience: Hong Kong – Vienna. Exhibition Strategy & Reflection, Barcelona / Hong Kong / Vienna: Ediciones Triton, 2017.

“What is less or more than a touch? Multimedia Classics – Hypermedia Hermeneutics”, in: Curator. The Museum Journal, January 2014, Vol. 57, No. 1, 119–136.

“Interdependence and Consequence. En Route toward a Grammar of Hypermedia Commu-nication Design”, in: Oliver Grau, Thomas Veigl (Eds.): Gazing into the 21st Century, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2011,  289–312.

“Art is redeemed, Mystery is gone: the Documentation of Contemporary Art”, in: Sarah Kenderdine, Fiona Cameron (Eds.): Theorising Futures for the Past. Cultural Heritage and Digital Media, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2007, 193–222.

Museumsinformatik und Digitale Sammlung, Vienna: WUV (Vienna University Press), 2001.

Selected Exhibitions

Couplet Pair Rebus. The Principle of Cause and Effect in Art, UMAG, 18.10.2023–28.01.2024.

Future Memories. Utopia Dystopia Nature, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 10.03.–06.04.2021.

Metamorphorsis or Confrontation. Tobias Klein, The University of Hong Kong Museum and Art Gallery, 20.05.–06.12.2020. (Co-curated with F. Knothe).

Jeffrey Shaw. Encompassing the Golden Calf 1966>2019, Lotsremark Projekte, Basel, 11.06.–16.07.2019.

Interval in Space, Fundaziun Nairs, 22.07.–31.10.2017; Osage Gallery, 15.12.2017–15.01.2018, with works of Nadim Abbas, Au Hoi Lam, Sarah Lai, Lee Kit, Kingsley Ng, Judith Fegerl, Beat Feller, Zilla Leutenegger, Matthias Liechti, Boris Rebetez.

The Age of Experience, Angewandte Innovation Lab, University of Applied Arts,Vienna, 28.11.–20.12.2016; Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 13.03.–22.04.2015.

ISEA2016 Hong Kong Cultural R>Evolution, City University of Hong Kong, CMC, 18.05.–23.05.2016; Polytechnic University, Design School, 16.05.– 23.05.2016; The University of Hong Kong, 19.05.–23.05.2016; Connecting Spaces Hong Kong–Zurich, 17.05.–21.05.2016.

George Steinmann – Marcel Broodthaers. Dyspositive. Lotsremark Projekte, Basel 13.10.–15.12.2012.

Robert Lettner. Bilder zur magischen Geometrie (Paintings of magical geometry), Vienna Secession, 20.11.1998–17.01.1999.

Aura – Die Realität des Kunstwerks zwischen Autonomie, Reproduktion und Kontext (Aura – the reality of the artwork between autonomy, reproduction and context), Vienna Secession, 02.09.–16.10.1994. (Graphic Cabinet).

Current Courses

ARTH2056 Museum studies workshop

ARTH4005 Art history internship