2024-2025 Semester 1

ARTH1001 Introduction to Western art history
ARTH2027 The formation of modernity: Art in Europe, 1840-1900
ARTH2062 Land and garden in Chinese art
ARTH2067 Architecture of East Asia
ARTH2088 Introduction to the material culture of China
ARTH2093 Contemporary art in India
ARTH2119 History of Art Criticism
ARTH3020 Women making art after 1960
ARTH3025 Pious worldliness: Buddhist art and material culture
ARTH4005 Art history internship
ARTH4006 Independent research project in art history
ARTH4009 Perspectives in contemporary art
ARTH7001 Art History: Goals, Methods, and Writing
ARTH7011 Dissertation writing workshop
ARTH7012 Fundamentals of Art History I: Issues in Western Art
ARTH1008 Introduction to the arts of Asia: Past and present
ARTH2013 Northern Renaissance Art
ARTH2025 The art of the Baroque ca. 1560-1720
ARTH2056 Museum studies workshop
ARTH2081 Art history & its methods
ARTH2085 Chinese calligraphy: Form, materiality and history
ARTH2100 Body, gender and sexuality in contemporary art
ARTH2109 Art and life in ancient Rome: Pompeii and Herculaneum
ARTH2110 Archaeology and digitial humanities in the field
ARTH2120 Art of Daoism
ARTH3012 Cross-cultural interactions in the 19th century
ARTH3022 Japanese Art in the Long Nineteenth Century
ARTH3030 Interrogating the “classical”
ARTH4002 Perspectives in Asian art
ARTH4003 Perspectives in Western art
ARTH4005 Art history internship
ARTH4006 Independent research project in art history
ARTH7002 Art History: Materials, Techniques, and Collections
ARTH7013 Fundamentals of Art History II: Issues in Asian Art
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