Hong Kong House at Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale

HKU Internship Programme 2021-23

Art Promotion Office (APO) will collaborate with the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (ETAT) to organise the 2nd edition of “Hong Kong House” (HKH) project from 2021-23 to feature outstanding works of selected Hong Kong artists. With a view to providing opportunities for university students to enrich learning experience through participating in large-scale international art event, APO will engage The University of Hong Kong (HKU) as the internship collaborator to organise internship programme for students/graduates of the HKU.

The APO team will select student interns/graduates to serve as ambassadors to perform daily house management, to assist in activities and to write promotional articles, etc. The Chair of the Department of Art History and other members of the Department can provide assistance in the selection process at the invitation of the APO team.

Watch the international internship talk recording here (this video is only available from 10 July 2020 to 24 August 2020) >>

Types of Interns

Art History Majors

taking this as a credit bearing course

With preference for

final year students and those who have fulfilled the pre-requisites for 4000-level courses.*

Arts Students

NOT taking this for any credits

Open to

all Faculty of Arts students who can demonstrate relevant disciplinary background (eg. Japanese Studies).**

Graduate Students

taking part in September 2021

Open to

all Faculty of Arts students who can demonstrate relevant disciplinary background. ***

* For final year Art History majors, your final degree will not be awarded until after the August month of your graduating year (subject to the University graduation calendar). Third year students may be eligible if they have fulfilled requirements. Please note, you have to have completed a 3000-level course by end of Spring 2021.

** Please note that students taking this internship for credit will be given priority.

*** This is a rare opportunity and only available for 2021 as it is the opening year of Echigo Triennale. This is available to any student from Faculty of Arts who have completed their studies by Summer 2021.

Application Procedures

Application Deadline: 25 August 2022, 10am

Submission to be sent to: art.history@hku.hk
  • Some candidates may be asked to attend an interview.


Successful applicants will have all accommodations and daily expenses covered. They are expected to cover their own airfares, insurance and visa requirements (as tourists) prior to travel. Should any student fail to fulfill their responsibilities, they forfeit their right to partake in this internship. Successful candidates are expected to fulfill their duties in Japan in accordance to the requirements of APO, any improper infringement of the terms of contract can lead to a “F” for this course.

As with the other internship applications, this is a professional environment and unlike enrollments for classes that allows for add-drops and other arrangements, we expect those who apply to this are committed to the programme, which includes being respectful of different cultural environments.

Selection Criteria


  • Matching expectations (ETAT is not Art Basel)

  • Open-mindedness to accept different duties

  • Willingness to communicate with language and cultural barrier

  • Any self-initiated projects (artwork, study, research, etc.) in the past and/or in the upcoming weeks in Tsunan, Niigata

  • Understanding about the festival and the local culture


  • Eligibility in getting International Driving license

  • Proficiency in Japanese

  • Flexibility in schedule

Learn More

HK House

Intake and Schedule

Recruit, briefing & training: March to June 2021/2022/2023

Interns’ Duties

Before Going to Japan

  • Attend briefing session(s)

  • Learn about Hong Kong House, the ETAT, the place and its culture

  • Basic Japanese language

  • Support teammates in Japan

  • Prepare journals

  • Prepare flight tickets and insurance

  • Plan the trip (how to go to meet up point, check weather conditions, etc.)

Hong Kong House Operation

Main Duties
  • Help visitors to Hong Kong House (e.g. stamping on entry passport, greeting visitors, serving snacks/drinks, answer enquiries, etc.)

  • Assist artists and collaborators (e.g. setup and dismantling of exhibition/activities, photo- taking, etc.)

  • Be nice with local community

  • Service and learning (e.g. introducing the Hong Kong House project and exhibits to the visitors)

Housekeeping Routine
  • Check artworks and captions

  • Manage AV equipment and PA system for the exhibition

  • Clean up everywhere (Hong Kong House exhibition space and Kamigo) and everyday

  • Check and sell festival passports, tickets, books and/or merchandises

  • Record visitor number and sales records

  • Take stock of equipment, tools and publication in storage

  • Dispose garbage

  • Support local community (e.g. help flooded homes)

  • Support Kamigo Clove Theatre


Write-ups for the Hong Kong House Project
  • Create travel blog, article, poem, video, artwork guide or any form of sharing in social media to introduce the HK House project to the public