Artist studio has always seemed to be a secular and private place to me – probably imaginary, too, for I have only seen them in archival photos. The visit to Tung Pang’s studio was a fascinating experience for me as an art history student, there were so many things that piqued my interest about this very intimate space of the artist. As soon as we entered his studio, we saw a table full of bits and pieces related to his preliminary idea with the “Half-Step House”, then Tung Pang started inviting us to share our interpretations on these unexplained and somewhat strange items (including a container with water and a damp sponge that we found out was just irrelevant and misplaced haha). I was very surprised by how much the artist shares with us and the extent that he allows us to play a part in his creative process – not to mention entrusting me and Emily to work with him in the studio in the coming months! I do hope with my role as an intern in this project, I can provide answers about the artist’s creative process to curious audience through the lens of (semi- and very lucky) studio assistant!

Tiffany Hui
Tiffany Hui
Student Intern