Having studied art history for four years, I am used to learning about artworks created faraway from contemporary times, and to hear about artists’ ideas based on existing studies by renowned art critics. The studio visit was the first time for me to delve into the curating process of a project, witnessing how ideas are being accumulated and compiled – and even better, to be a part of it through having meaningful conversations with Mr. Lam Tung Pang. I realized that although artists have so much agency in their work, a lot of ideas are supported by concrete research and thorough deliberation. 

I am particularly intrigued by the idea of “Half-step House”. I think it is a fascinating response to the situation in the world right now – a special circumstance where the world is facing the same difficult situation, yet separated by geographical boundaries. Despite being unable to connect with each other physically, perhaps half a step is all it takes to establish closer bonds.

Being in the Jpop team, I am thrilled to dig deeper into the inextricable relations between Jpop and HKpop during the “Golden Age” of Hong Kong — the 1980s to the 1990s. I have grown up knowing that Japanese composers play an integral part in Hong Kong’s pop songs. I would like to take this opportunity to understand more about my hometown’s history in the music industry, and also to take a step further – to investigate whether such exchanges still exist nowadays. 

Cherry Luk
Cherry Luk
Student Intern