
News in 2023-2024

2Oct, 2009

Naoshima and Echigo trip

Categories: News Archive 2009-10|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

This July, a small group of Fine Arts students, Class of 2009, participated as helpers for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial. The Echigo-Tsumari AT (hereafter ETAT) is the largest international site-specific art project in the world. The students’ trip was made possible by the generous donation from The University of Hong Kong Museum Society and the Faculty of Arts. Unlike other art biennales or triennials, the ETAT ambitions are driven by social and civic needs. As increasing number of the younger generation move from the countryside to cities, areas such as Echigo in the Niigata Prefecture have been badly affected by a depleting population. [...]

6Feb, 2009

Career Talks for Fine Arts Students

Categories: News Archive 2008-09|Tags: , , , , |

As part of our department’s 30th anniversary celebrations this year, we have organized two Careers Talks for our students. At each session, three alumnae of this department will talk about their current jobs and their experiences of working in art-related careers in Hong Kong. We have invited alumnae from a range of different types of art organizations so as to give our students some idea of the varied careers in the visual arts that past graduates have followed. Click here for details.

28Oct, 2008

Fine Arts 30th anniversary dinner

Categories: News Archive 2008-09|Tags: , , , , , |

Alumni reunion: Fine Arts 30th anniversary dinner An alumni reunion dinner was held on Friday, October 24 to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Almost 100 people were present, and almost all years of our graduates were represented, from our first batch in 1981 to our most recent alumni from 2008. It was a nostalgia-filled evening and of course many photos were taken.



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