Konstance C. LI 李俊彤

Part-time Lecturer 兼任講師
Email: konstanz@hku.hk
Office: Room 10.24, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
BA, MPhil, PhD University of Hong Kong; MSt University of Oxford
Dr. Li is a Chinese art historian, with special focus on East Asian religious art and material culture from the sixth to fourteenth centuries. His research interests include Buddhist art of China and Japan, the Silk Road and Daoist Art. His works and research have been supported by the Japan Foundation, China Oxford Scholarship Fund and other institutions. Apart from teaching courses on Asian art history, Dr. Li also collaborates extensively on exhibition, research, and translation projects with museums and art organizations across Asia.
Buddhist Art, Art of the Silk Road, Daoist Art
Receptions and Representations of Buddhist Art across and beyond Asia
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