Prof. Clarke’s Photographs: Interruptions 斷續

Interruptions: with photographs by David Clarke and essays by Xu Xi at the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) will open next week! All current and former students are welcome to its opening at 6pm on Tuesday 13 September.

“The spine of this current project is a series of interlocking images and texts that began with a single photograph selected from David Clarke’s archive. Xu Xi then wrote an essay triggered by—but not necessarily in response to—the photograph, which led to David’s choice of a second work. The 12 images and essays construct a fascinating palimpsest of memoir and artistic expression. By “interrupting” each other’s lives with a piece of art from a dueling medium, the artists were compelled to reevaluate their own histories and creative output. What is ultimately created is a form of linked poem or renga, though without the strict stanzaic limitation of that particular form…” Click here for the full official announcement (a Chinese version included).

Details of the Exhibition

Period: September 14 (Wednesday) to October 16, 2016 (Sunday)

Venue: 1/F, Fung Ping Shan Building, UMAG, 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam

Opening Hours: 09:30 – 18:00 (Monday to Saturday); 13:00 – 18:00 (Sunday); closed on University and Public Holidays

Admission: Free

Exhibition brouchure