Beyond Basic Navigation

Preparing Lecture Presentation

Adding record to the imagelist

A list of relevant records will be loaded for the search conducted. At the end of each record, there is an Add to current imagelist button. Click on the button to add record. To add all records, go to the top right corner of the list and click on the button Add all to current imagelist, where all here refers to no more than 100 records.

Selection indicator

The number of records selected is indicated at the lower right corner of the screen. Click on the icon beneath the circled digit to open the sub-panel window to view your selection.

Sub-panel window

At the sub-panel window, thumbnail image accompanied by record number and short title will be displayed according to the selection order. To remove unwanted item, click on the icon.

Manage the imagelist

When you are ready for the next step, go to the link Click here to manage your imagelist on the top left corner and click for further action. In case you need to revise your selection, click on the icon on the top right corner to exit the sub-panel.

Final editing

The images selected will appear in the slider at the top part of the imagelist page. Use the scroll bar beneath to browse the images. Click on the icon at the top right corner to open the menu where you can choose to reorder the images, package for download or start all over.

Reordering images

To reorder the image sequence before downloading, click on the icon. This will bring up a new window with a panel of thumbnail images. Simply drag and drop the image from its original position to the new position. Click on the icon at the top left corner to save the new order.

Packaging for download

To package the records for download, click on the icon. A submenu will pop up showing 3 options: Text data, Images only and Powerpoint presentation. The last option will have the full-size image and selected information of the records downloaded in Microsoft Powerpoint file format.

Selecting information to include

Upon choosing Powerpoint presentation, a pop-up window will appear prompting you to select the types of information to be included. Acc. No. (i.e. record no.), Artists, Title and Date are the default types. Click on the icon on the right to bring up the type list, then tick or un-tick the types required. One more click to close the list, finally click on the Generate file button to proceed.

Finalizing package

The process of packaging the image and textual data will then begin. A work-in-progress dial will appear, followed by the message Finalizing package. Wait patiently until the packaging process is completed.

Saving the pptx file

When packaging is done, a pop-up window will appear prompting you to indicate where to save the Powerpoint file. The default file name is one generated by the system with imagelist as prefix. You may like to rename the file, remember to retain the file extension .pptx while renaming. Click the save button to save your choices.

Open the pptx file to edit

Once the download is complete, open the file with the Microsoft Powerpoint program. You may now start editing the images and the text, or add in other images or information for the presentation as you see fit.

Basic Navigation
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Art History Resource Centre
Room 10.29
Run Run Shaw Tower
Centennial Campus
(+852) 3917-2614