The First Syllabus

2021-08-10T09:18:11+00:00May 21, 2021|Categories: Department Stories|Tags: |

The enrollment period for 2019-2020 has just begun. Students are now busy with course selection online, checking from time to time to see if they can get into the courses they prefer.

BA curriculum structure of the 70s was very different from that of the Millennium. Back in 1978, Fine Arts students would expect three terms a year in a three year degree. Since 2012, the majority of Fine Arts students would have enrolled in a four-year curriculum and attended classes within the first two teaching semesters each year. In the early days, students would take several full year courses, do the final exams, and graduate with a certain number of “papers”, following the British system. Now, the curriculum is on a credit system, with students expected to take a full range of different courses, so that they have accumulate enough credits to declare a major/minor, and eventually to graduate.

These images below show the draft of the 1979-1980 syllabus of the Department of Fine Arts.

If you are interested in the latest BA Syllabus, you may find it available on the Faculty website.

[The writing was first published on 9 August 2019, in celebration of the Department’s 40th anniversary]


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