The studio visit was truly a thought provoking experience. Mr Lam Tung Pang has a creative environment that gives plenty of space for imagination and possibilities. I was so impressed by the concept pile set out for us to explore and it was an insightful experience that opened up many new ideas. 

In particular, the discussion surrounding the idea of “Half-step House” between Wong Uk and Hong Kong House was fascinating. It reminds me of a dream-like experience where visitors access two spaces simultaneously. I was also inspired by the idea of syncing the Hong Kong House and Wong Uk through time. I was reminded of かたわれ時 (that the time of sunset) from the movie Your Name, when it is believed to be the time when the supernatural occurs and two worlds meet. Since the paranormal plays a huge part in traditional Japanese beliefs and the red pocket I will be working on is themed around Japan’s mythical creatures, translating and researching on recorded myths may be a start for us to engage space through mystical stories. We may even form our own creatures that embody memories of both halves of the house, an entity that exists in the two spaces, separated yet perfectly whole and connected.

Leanne Hong
Leanne Hong
Student Intern