It was such a pleasure to be invited to Mr. Lam Tung Pang’s studio. As an art history student, I encounter finished artworks all the time, but rarely do I have the chance to actually engage in the on-going process of art making. And so, the way Tung Pang presented the references and materials to us on the table and allowed us to dive into his insights was intellectually stimulating and engaging. It felt like taking a pleasurable ride in Tung Pang’s artistic endeavor by tracing his train of thoughts. After brainstorming with the given materials, we had a meaningful discussion with Tung Pang on the materials and his innovative idea of “Half-step House”. His intention of building the bridge between two cultures by incorporating both parts in one house was truly inspirational. 

In developing the project, I am most interested in the research on Jpop and HKpop. I love how the two places are tightly bonded by the music exchange at the end of last century despite the geographical distance. I look forward to searching for songs that make people resonate regardless of cultural difference and hopefully can build a successful acoustic experience that tug people’s heartstrings. 

Leah Lam
Leah Lam
Student Intern