
News in 2023-2024

30Nov, 2020

Reduced Opening Hours of Office and Resource Centre

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With a recent spike in local cases of coronavirus, the Department General Office and the Resource Centre will operate on a reduced schedule until further notice. Monday to Friday, 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm We will take cautious measures to minimize the risk of infection. Our staff will have students’ temperature measured before they enter the centre. Students should also wear a mask inside. With social distancing still in practice, we will keep the maximum number of students using our collection to 6 at a time. The opening hours may vary every week, please check our website for the latest arrangement. [...]

20Nov, 2020

Dr Baecker Awarded the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant

Categories: News Archive 2020-21|Tags: , , , , |

Congratulations to Dr. Angie Baecker, for receiving one of the 2020 Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grants. Her winning article, entitled "The Art Group and the Avant Garde: Collective Practices and the Socialist Legacy in Contemporary China," "aims to challenge the temporal boundaries of the 'contemporary,' both as a concept and as a label, in order to create a more complete account for how the mantle of avant-garde practice was passed from the revolutionary guard to its political and cultural dissidents." Her inspiring endeavor has now been recognized and supported. Three cheers for Angie! Dr Baecker joined the [...]

13Nov, 2020

Dr Koon Receiving Outstanding Teaching Award

Categories: News Archive 2020-21|Tags: , , , |

Warmest congratulations to Dr. Yeewan Koon for receiving the University's Outstanding Teaching Award 2020! This award is a formal recognition of her teaching excellency. Over the past 15 years of teaching at HKU, she has inspired and nurtured thousands of art history students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her passion in art and critical approach to art history come through with her interactive ways of teaching. One former student recalls that "there were always a lot of back and forth questions, always challenging you to think further based on the readings and the images." To prepare students for [...]

13Oct, 2020

New Books

Categories: News Archive 2020-21|Tags: , , , |

Congratulations to Dr Hammers and Dr Koon for their research has recently turned into publications! The Imperial Patronage of Labor Genre Paintings in Eighteenth-Century China by Roslyn Lee Hammers [Forthcoming] Routledge, 2021. This book examines the agrarian labor genre paintings based on the Pictures of Tilling and Weaving that were commissioned by successive Chinese emperors. This book analyzes the genre’s imagery and poems in their historical context, and explains how the paintings contributed to distinctively cosmopolitan Qing imagery that also drew upon European visual styles. Roslyn Lee Hammers argues that the technologically-informed imagery were not merely didactic imagery to [...]

28Aug, 2020

Reopening of Department Office and Resource Centre

Categories: Alert|Tags: , , , |

As the University is continuing to transition back to normal levels of service, the Department Office and the Resource Centre (RC) will reopen on a regular schedule, Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm, 2pm-5:30pm. Department Office: Full access on 31 August and 1 September Limited access from 2 September to 4 September Resource Centre: Full access from 31 August onwards In order to reduce the risk of infection, our staff will have your temperature measured before you enter the RC. Students should also wear a mask inside.



Upcoming Events

  1. Resource Centre Fai-chun Party

    January 21 @ 3:30 pm - January 22 @ 5:00 pm

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