Art and Diplomacy in Papal Rome: Picturing a Global Papacy in the Early 17th Century

2020-06-23T04:47:52+00:00October 24, 2011|Categories: |Tags: |

Art and Diplomacy in Papal Rome: Picturing a Global Papacy in the Early 17th Century Date: 24 October 2011 (Monday) Time: 5:30pm Venue: Room 1.67, Main Building, HKU In the [...]

Binyon, Lewis and Nash: British Modernists’ Conception of Chinese Landscape Painting

2020-06-23T04:47:07+00:00April 12, 2011|Categories: |Tags: |

Binyon, Lewis and Nash: British Modernists’ Conception of Chinese Landscape Painting Date: 12 April 2011 (Tuesday) Time: 5:00pm Venue: Room 2.38, Main Building, HKU Chinese landscape painting does not take [...]

Portraiture and Celebrity: From the First Actresses to the Modern Diva

2020-06-23T04:46:54+00:00March 29, 2011|Categories: |Tags: |

Portraiture and Celebrity: From the First Actresses to the Modern Diva Date: 29 March 2011 (Tuesday) Time: 5:00pm Venue: Room 2.38, Main Building, HKU This lecture explores the role of [...]

Thinking on the Way to the Yoshiwara: Painting and Prints of the Trip to Edo’s Pleasure District

2020-06-23T04:42:14+00:00December 7, 2010|Categories: |Tags: , |

The Shih Hsio-yen Distinguished Lecture in Art History series Thinking on the Way to the Yoshiwara: Painting and Prints of the Trip to Edo’s Pleasure District Date: 7 December 2010 [...]

From Gold Leaf to Apocryphal Stories: Influences from the East on Late Burmese Wall Paintings

2020-06-23T04:45:42+00:00September 13, 2010|Categories: |Tags: |

From Gold Leaf to Apocryphal Stories: Influences from the East on Late Burmese Wall Paintings Date: 13 September 2010 (Monday) Time: 5:00pm Venue: Room 2.38, Main Building, HKU In 1767 [...]

Bring It On!: New Images of Feminine Aggression in Art and Visual Culture

2020-06-23T04:44:51+00:00January 19, 2010|Categories: |Tags: |

Bring It On!: New Images of Feminine Aggression in Art and Visual Culture Date: 19 January 2010 (Tuesday) Time: 5:00pm Venue: Room 2.38, Main Building, HKU In this lecture, Maud [...]


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    March 19 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

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