Sim Hinman WAN

Lecturer 講師

Office: Room 10.24, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

BArch California Polytechnic State University, MArch University of Washington, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago

Dr. Wan’s research interest is in the architecture, urban design, and visual culture of the early modern world. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Intertwined Genealogies: Dutch, Chinese, and Colonial Indonesian Architecture of Philanthropy, 1640-1740. His international and interdisciplinary projects have received Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awards from the Social Science Research Council and the Council on Library and Information Resources. Before coming to the University of Hong Kong as a lecturer of architecture and Renaissance-Baroque art, he has taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Washington.

Global Early Modern Art and Architecture

Dutch representation of Chinese and Islamic urbanisation in 17th-century Indonesia

Selected Publications

“A Spectral Spectacle: Dutch Mannerist Portals at Amsterdam’s New Philanthropic Sites, 1581-1645,” Early Modern Low Countries 5, no. 2 (December 2021): 332-365. (read more)

“Paradox of Isolation: Amsterdam’s Pest Asylums and the City’s Continual Modernization,” Change Over Time 11, no. 1 (Spring 2022): 10-35. (read more)

“Disciplining Otherness in the Tropics: Dutch Philanthropic Sites and the Urbanization of Indonesian Ports, 1640-1730,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 81, no. 4 (December 2022): 420-440. (read more)

Current Courses

ARTH2025 The art of the Baroque ca. 1560-1720

ARTH2072 Western architecture from Antiquity to Enlightenment

Past Courses

ARTH2012 Italian Renaissance art and architecture

ARTH2013 Northern Renaissance art

ARTH2067 Architecture of East Asia

ARTH2077 The European city in the early modern world

ARTH2081 Art history and its methods

ARTH4003 Perspectives in Western art

ARTH4004 Perspectives in art history

ARTH7006 Seminar in Western art, 15th-18th centuries

Reaching beyond HKU

Presenter, Confronting Colonialism in the Study of Dutch Visual Culture – Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Dublin, 2022

Presenter, Early Modern Cultural Affiliations in the Port Cities of the Mediterranean and the Chinese Sea – AISU (Italian Association of Urban History) International Congress, Turin, 2022

Speaker, Talk Series, The Road to the Baroque Exhibition – Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2022