
News in 2023-2024

29Sep, 2021

Dr Yeewan Koon Receiving 2021 UGC Teaching Award

Categories: News Archive 2021-22|Tags: , |

The University Grants Committee (UGC) announced the recipients of 2021 UGC Teaching Award yesterday (September 28), and we are extremely excited that our current Chair, Dr Yeewan Koon, is the recipient of this prestigious award. As the Undergraduate Coordinator of the Department of Art History, I have the great pleasure to congratulate Dr. Yeewan Koon for receiving the 2021 Teaching Award from the University Grants Committee. This highly prestigious award is bestowed upon the most outstanding teacher in the universities of Hong Kong. As her colleague, I have had many opportunities to see Dr. Koon connect students [...]

4Aug, 2021

Problems with Enrollment

Categories: Alert|Tags: , , , |

Dear Students,  It has come to our attention that some students are having problems with class selections, especially for upper level classes (3000 and 4000).  If you are having problems please send an email to our department office ( and we will manually add you into the system. Please be patient as this will take a little longer before you are notified if you have been approved or not. If you are a student from a different faculty, please also follow the same procedure and writing to the office to request your courses. We hope this technical issue will [...]

27Jul, 2021

Dr Koon’s “So Long, Thanks Again for the Fish” at Helsinki

Categories: News Archive 2021-22|Tags: , , , , |

Dr Yeewan Koon's exhibition “So Long, Thanks Again for the Fish 喂!拜拜你條尾 ” at Levyhalli, Suomenlinna opened on 8 June 2021. Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR, and co-organised by the Art Promotion Office and HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme, "So Long, Thanks Again for the Fish" is part of Helsinki Biennial Inspired-programme. It is the very first group exhibition of Hong Kong artists in Finland. The five featured artists include Luke Ching Chin Wai, Christopher K. Ho, Lam Tung Pang, Cédric Maridet, and Angela Su. The recording of an earlier happening "Five [...]

5Jul, 2021

2020 Asia Regional Winner of the Undergraduate Awards in Art History

Categories: News Archive 2020-21|Tags: , , , , , , |

We’re proud to announce that former Fine Arts undergraduate student Ms. Lee Yi Ting has been named the Asia Regional Winner of The Undergraduate Awards in the category of Art History and Theory. Ms. Lee won for an essay entitled "Deconstructing National Representation in Abanindranath Tagore’s Journey’s End" which she originally wrote for ARTH3028 The mirror and the globe: Courtly arts of India 16-19th century, taught by Dr Kathleen Wyma. The Undergraduate Awards is a non-profit organization based in Ireland that holds an annual competition to recognize high-performing university students worldwide. Congratulations Yi Ting!



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