‘Construction’ of the Half-step House: the Artist at Work!

2021-04-12T04:12:02+00:00April 12, 2021|Categories: Intern's Blog 2020-2021|Tags: , |

On March 31, Tung Pang was working with his favorite material – plywood. As he said in a 2012 documentary by the Art Promotion Office, unlike how paint only [...]

Typography and Cultural Intersections: A Case Study on Neon Genesis Evangelion (Part One)

2021-04-08T01:49:55+00:00April 7, 2021|Categories: Intern's Blog 2020-2021|Tags: , |

Take a look at these images. (Fig.1—Left: EVA movie poster from 2012; Right: Movie poster of the series’ newest instalment.) These posters are released 8 years apart, yet [...]

Second time in the studio: the creation of art with a sprinkle of reality

2021-04-08T01:50:07+00:00March 29, 2021|Categories: Intern's Blog 2020-2021|Tags: , |

“The paper is very warm,” said the artist as he opened the beautiful A3-size hardcover book. On Friday, Tung Pang re-introduced his studio to me. Unlike the previous group [...]


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